OpenCage Usage

Launching the GUI

After installing OpenCage as described in the installation page, 
to run OpenCage, launch the program 

This can be done in several ways, depending on your platform and file associations.

(1) Using the Terminal, cd to the directory containing, 
   and type the command
   If python is not in your your search path you may need to specify 
   the full path to the pyhon exectutable here.   
   If has permissions as an executable file, just typing
   may also work (provided the current directory includes the file). 

(2) Double-clicking on the file might work for you, 
    or right-clicking on, and selecting an option 
    "Open with -> Python Launcher" or similar.  
This will open a GUI which lets you configure options, and which 
has usage information accessible from the menu-bar. 

The program opencage-bin can also be invoked directly from the command-line,
with configuration options given as command-line flags, but we suggest 
using the GUI instead. The GUI will create necessary output directories 
and warn about possible over-writing of output files, whereas 
opencage-bin will not.

Using the GUI for video analysis

The exact appearance of the GUI varies depending on your operating system and in some cases on the version of Python installed, at it used the Tkinter widgets that are part of Python. The functionality should be similar in all cases, however. On a Windows 7 computer with Python 2.7 the GUI looks like this:

screen shot

Below are brief descriptions of the components of the GUI:


Instruction for post-processing the text files that are output during the video analysis are included with the source code. Included are R scripts for summarizing activity levels for each behavior for the entire video or across shorter time intervals, dividing bursts of activities into bouts, and comparing groups of mice belonging to different classes (e.g. disease vs. control).

Known Issues

  1. OpenCV does not automatically detect when a video uses non-square pixels (see Consequently videos with non-square pixels can appear to be too narrow.
  2. For Mac OS X without FFmpeg, the Perian Quicktime add-ons ( may allow more video formats to be decoded. However, in this case videos with non-square pixels may appear to be skewed diagonally.
  3. For Mac OS X 10.6 on computers with 32-bit processors (, FFmpeg may not compile correctly ( Also, to link to QuickTime on 64-bits processors, the OpenCV libraries may have to be compiled in 32-bit mode (

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